Sacramento United has partnered with Make it Madu Images for the 23/24 season photos.
We have two weeks set up to accommodate teams, April 15th – May 7th. To make sure team and Indvidual photos are successful as possible, please read all the information below.
- All photos are ordered online. There are no ordering forms at the fields. You get to choose the digital images you want to order online. You will have the opportunity to view and order pictures.
- Please wear your full uniform for the pictures. The team uniform will be selected by the coach or team manager.
Parents/Players Receive
- (1) 8×10 team digital image
- (1) 5×7 individual digital image
For pictures, please contact service provider at
For general questions or Picture Day information, please contact
On Picture Day
Arrive Early:
Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled picture time.
Find your team: Upon arrival, find your coach and/or team and stay together as a group, and please as a group check in with the front attendant.
Players Prep:
- Jerseys are tucked or out to your preference for individual pictures. (Coaches please re-examine your team to your preference for the group photo.)
- Faces are clean
- Hats and/or hair is in place
Please Note: that only Players and coaches are allowed in the photography area. Keeping the area free of congestion allows for a smoother operation and results in an easy, quick and stress-free
picture day.
For Coaches/Team Managers
After check-in, the attendant will assign and bring you and your team to a station for their individual pictures. When completed, the photographer will take you and your team to your group photographer to have the team photo taken. While waiting we ask that you line up your team from tallest to shortest this makes the process faster and smoother.
● Individual Portraits, team photo, and Buddy portraits:
● All Players will be photographed in two different poses followed by one team pose.
● During individual pictures If a parent wishes to have a photograph with their player, a sibling pose, or with a family friend who is on another team the “buddies” should be in line
with the player.
● Please No Parent Photography: Parents are not allowed to take pictures within the photo area. This distracts the players, slows down the process, and potentially reduces the quality of your portraits if your child is looking away. Please respect this policy and allow us the opportunity to make the best possible photographs in an undistracted environment.
Tips to Help Organize Your Team for Photos
To ensure a smooth and easy process. Sac United kindly recommends the following:
1. Check in team at the Check-In Tent
2. Line up all players shortest to tallest
3. Have all shirts tucked in.
After Picture Day
Families/players will receive an email from the team/team manager containing a link to the team gallery online, where photos will be available for download on both mobile devices and computers.
Please note that photos typically take about 2 weeks from the day of your photo shoot to be uploaded to the gallery.
A unique code will be provided to families, granting them access to the team’s gallery. These photos will be downloadable for a duration of 7 days. Should you miss the download window, kindly reach out to or for assistance.